Avatar, James Cameron's feel-good adventure story speaks a good deal about what today's audience likes: elaborate sights and sounds with simplistic story arcs. The BS Gentiles at TOO reviewed this film just as a continuation of their fixation on white preservation. Replace "white" with "Jew" and you'll have a typically racist, rabbi written op-ed.
"So, in a nutshell, Whites from Earth are colonizing another planet whose indigenous wonderful hominids with primitive technology but great butts and neural connections to plants and animals, are in the way of The Company which wants its precious mineral called Unobtainium. (This was the only in joke in the movie I think.) There are a couple of social workers trying to get the natives to move and save Precious Life. They are of course outmaneuvered by the capitalists who want their unobtainium and start to bulldoze the magic forest."
This race-themed defensive posture is virtually identical the ever-apologetic Jew, who will always find a way to mask or excuse his deeds - from cries of "anti-Semitism" and "blood libel" to the quintessential racist attitude of "We're the Chosen People." The BS Gentiles at TOO simply substitute "White" for "Jew." In their eyes, criticizing whites is "anti-White" or maybe "anti-Occidentalism.""So, the Good pseudo-native, like in The Last Samurai, goes native and war is begun with the CapitalistImperialistWhitePigs. Spectacular battle scenes with the Good natives mounted on the backs of flying Teradactyl like birds beating the White Man’s machines. As in Tarzan movies, the animals also come to the aid of the natives, after having sensed that the White Man is a greater danger. In the battle, the chief Bad Guy is a jarhead (Marines) colonel who wants to kill all the Good Natives. Blue eyes and a very White Marine, he of course, is beaten by bows and arrows and big scary animals (a la Tarzan). As he is about to kill our pseudo-native hero, who has of course betrayed the mission of The Company, the colonel yells, “How does it feel to be a race traitor?” With that, two arrows from the love-interest native female sink into his chest."
By the time the reader reaches this part of the article, it comes as no surprise that the piece ends with the most overt racism - a saving of the "best" for last via the BS Gentile mindset:
"Like Bladerunner’s replicants, the natives are more human than homo sapiens
— Whites that is. The few other folks who help the natives are Earthlings — Blacks and browns, who of course, side with the natives. They recognize a brother when they see one."
At no point in the film is it so bluntly said that the Na'vi (the "natives" from Avatar) are "more human" than the humans. What is said, via the story, is that they are less overcome by greed and material desire. This makes them more noble and thus they are the story's good-guys.
"The material interest of mankind can prosper only in theshade of the heroic virtues. The moment they become the primary considerations of life they wreck the basis of their own existence." - Adolf Hitler
The human mission on planet Pandora is primarily concerned with material interests, while the Na'vi are heroically defending their homeland. That is why the humans and their corporation loses. However, by the end, a few humans, the noblest stock, joins the Na'vi. They do this to pursue ideals and probably didn't consider "race." In fact, in the film, it is only the bigoted Gentiles that bring up "race" and such terms. They cannot see past the end of their nose.
I agree that Avatar paints a pessimistic portrait of humans, however, I am not at all surprised. Just look at the day's news, mainstream source or not: violence, treachery, greed and hate comes from people of all colors. The Eurocentrics, on the other hand, only see the media point out evil white men and takes offense to this. The fact is, all peoples suffer and all peoples are to blame. The world is decayed, decadent and filled with drudgery. The popular films that come out simply reflect this. Complaining about such a film is like complaining to a mirror for showing you a scar on your face - it's not the mirror's fault! You did something that gave you a scar and complaining won't help heal it.
Source: http://swordofelysium.blogspot.com/2011/01/tunnel-vision-over-at-occidental.html
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