TOO: "Anti-racist is just code for anti-White."
Spot the difference. (Hint: there is none.)
This is the fundamental question that TOO is concerned with – Which Way Western Jew? I guess when Kevin MacDonald states ‘White Identity’ he indirectly means ‘Western Jews,’ as the entire orientation of TOO is concerned with the trials and tribulations of Jews and to a lesser extent their Gentile supporters, from a modern Western secular perspective. Not surprisingly there is a market for the armchair critics from fiat-funded American Academia, so Kevin need not feel alone in his observing and reporting, there are many other fellows just like him, ready to contribute with more offers of criticism and reformation proposals for Zionist interests.
Kevin is a Zionist, he has stated so; his main criticism of Zionism is that it is not Zionist enough! Taken from his academic perspective as a Darwinian evolutionist, Zionism is the perfectly natural state of all being – everyone should be a Zionist and may the best Zionist win – survival of the most Zionist! I will delve into the debacle and farce of Darwinian evolution another time, it almost looks antiquated in the 21st Century, a relic of a bygone era. Kevin is a relic from a bygone era as well, perhaps that is why he felt the need to recruit some younger talent, like Dr Lasha Darkmoon, LOL! You know you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel when you have to get contributions from a Jewish lesbian who writes bad poetry for an occupation. What observations, as if we need any more observing, benign observations from both left and right of journalistic Zion, the sum total of Jewish media enterprise – report on the consequences of world Zionist control, good or bad, left or right, report from behind your Zionist controlled desk, funded by your Federal Reserve paper debt vouchers printed in Zion, on your observations of the consequences of Zionism!!! Which Way Western Jew?
As TOO grapples with the inevitability of its intellectual bankruptcy, Kevin and Lasha and fellows will seek help, because TOO at the end of the day is not so relevant to Zionists like George Soros, or even conservative useful idiots from the ranks of conservative America, especially academia, let alone Gilad Atzmon or Henry Makow. So he will ask for more central bankers' paper usury debt vouchers to be donated! As if that will help, it's like trying to cure an alcoholic with a case of fine whisky! And then Kevin sends his hopeful Judaic reform essays to Jeff Rense, as if that will help his falling reputation! You can find Kevin’s articles at along with; ‘Case of the rabid dog at the animal shelter’, ‘Huge mothership over Lima, Peru’, and ‘Starbucks unveils new nameless logo’, just make sure you buy some magic bean survival seeds and another water filter while you are there… Which Way Western Jew?
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