Kevin MacDonald is practically interchangeable with Marine LePen, incoming leader of the National Front, a Zionist Correct (ZC) French political party. They agree on all political dogma. Both are Zionists hiding behind a flimsy facade of so-called "White Identity" and "Right Wing Nationalism". Both are anti-Islam, secular, holocaust kosher, fiat banking kosher, skilled in sycophancy, ZC Media approved and both suffer from incurable Boromir Syndrome! No wonder MacDonald writes with glowing approval for his French counterpart, MacDonald and Marine LePen are like two little Gentile peas in the same Zionist pod.
"The good news is that LePen is getting a lot of publicity in the mainstream French media: Her "smiling face … adorns the front of the prestigious weekly L’Express … She’s seen everywhere. On France’s television screens, in its newspapers, at party conventions, on billboards." - The Occidental Observerdelendaestziobot translation:
"The real story is that LePen is getting a lot of Zionist publicity in Jewish controlled French media: Her "smiling face … is plastered all over the front of the Jewish owned glossy magazine L’Express (French version of TIME magazine) … She’s seen everywhere??? On France’s Jewish controlled television screens, in Jewish controlled newspapers, at Jewish sponsored conventions, and even on advertising billboards, would you believe!"
Not so unique when translated, very common in fact, just another ZC Gentile being pushed and prodded by big Jewry into approved placement on the long-established political platform.
"For the first time in the history of the National Front, the political establishment is not uniting against us, but is running after us." - LePenNo, not the first time French Nationalists have been pursued by the Zionist political establishment to be used as useful idiots! Of course Zionists want to unite with National Front, they are Zionists too!
"After all, the National Front has always been Zionistic and always defended Israel’s right to exist." - LePenThis is what MacDonald calls ‘criticism of Israel’:
"Indeed, she is not shy about criticizing Israel. She rejects the recent rabbinical ruling calling on Jews not to rent to Arabs" - Kevin MacDonaldSo LePen is for Jews in Israel annexing Palestinians, stealing their property, and then renting it back to them? MacDonald also makes a point that LePen has been banned from visiting Israel based on her father’s "anti-Semitism" as head of the National Front. Well I figure that, like all European "Right Wing" anti-Islam Nationalists, LePen wants nothing more than to board a plane, fly straight to Israel, don a skullcap, and pose for photos in front of the Wailing Wall! Now that would be good publicity for her, that could be enough to make LePen the next French President! But for the moment LePen and the National Front serve them well as can be seen by their Jewish supporters, including those Jews who back Sarkozy as well as the Jewish Defence League and Mieir Kahane - all are interested in LePen as an agitator of anti-Islamic/pro-Jewish behaviour in France.
LePen claims the Jews are Frenchmen and French Jews should not emigrate to Israel, and along with Kevin MacDonald she believes that Jews along with "whites" are victims of Muslim attitudes:
"There are entire regions where it’s better not to be a Jew, a woman, a homosexual or even an ordinary white Frenchman." - LePenLePen blaming Muslims for all of France’s woes! LePen even blames the Germans for France’s economic woes! No wonder the Jews and MacDonald approve of her sycophancy:
"The rise of the National Front and other European nationalist parties is a huge breakthrough for the movement to reestablish a sense of European culture and eventually European peoplehood. Its’ obvious that Muslims will never become the good liberal republican Europeans." - Kevin MacDonaldBut according to LePen and MacDonald Jews do and will always be. Of course MacDonald goes even further in his article to accuse just about all the peoples of the earth of being responsible for Western European and American woes, everybody that is except for Jews, who are the only people playing the tune that the likes of LePen and MacDonald dance to…Just like MacDonald, LePen is a Gentile face from behind which the Jews can incite and agitate hostilities between peoples with anti-Islam rhetoric further dividing the false paradigm of "Arab-Islam" vs "White-Christian," while the Jew remains invisible and fostering both sides! What? You don’t think that the Jew is not using the same technique in Arab nations, agitating and inciting Islam against the "White Western Devils"? It’s the same old trick played out over and over again, century after century, and still the nationalistic Gentiles play out the same tired old game, heedless to their own sense, and the truth that they should know.
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