Monday, January 10, 2011

The Gentiles Will Inherit the Talmudic World

While some of us (for the sake of humour) portray MacDonald as a bumbling idiot, I personally consider him far from stupid, and in fact very cunning and adept at what he does: presenting racism as the proper stance of intellectual elites, thereby encouraging racism among those who fancy themselves as intellectual elites. That is all he is good at, but he is good at it.

Most of the article is just data from Israeli sources, whose reliability is never questioned(!). MacDonald's own point does not appear until the last paragraphs:

So we can end up with a situation where the Haredi Jews are the majority of American, British and Israeli Jews by 2050, the Day of Judgment for Whites! ... one wonders how long the image of Jews as liberal, humane, champions of the downtrodden can continue when such large percentages of Jews are Haredim

Firstly, there is no "Day of Judgment for Whites". Those who make such a claim are feeding fear into society in order to divide it. Whites presently are the largest minority (at roughly 48%) in Brazil; would that mean their "Day of Judgment for Whites" has already occurred? If so, it was far from the horrific catastrophe that TOO pumps into its readers' heads. I doubt most Brazilians even noticed it happening. 2050 may be when whites become the largest minority in America, but there will only be catastrophe if enough frightened fools fall for MacDonald's bluff and start splitting into hostile tribes. All it takes to prevent this is our willingness to conquer the fear and call the bluff.

"Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." - Paul Atreides

Secondly, there is no image of Jews as "champions of the downtrodden", except insofar as Jews present themselves as downtrodden - undeserving victims of "anti-Semitism" (ie. disgust towards Jewish racism), "blood libel" (ie. mention of Jewish crimes) and of course the "Holocaust" (ie. fiction) - and then champion their own racism against non-Jews. Much like how TOO presents white Gentiles as undeserving victims of "anti-Whiteness" (ie. disgust towards white racism), "White guilt-tripping" (ie. mention of white crimes) and of course "White Genocide" (ie. fiction), and then champion their own racism against non-whites. This is why there is already no support for Jews from the left, which has been supporting Palestine, Lebanon and the wider Muslim community on almost every issue for decades. All current support for Jews is coming from the Islamophobic, pro-Western right. This has nothing to do with what percentage of Jews are Haredim, and everything to do with the fact that Jews and white Gentiles are discovering how much they have in common.

Ample evidence of this is found in the comments, in which bashing Muslims (and, to a lesser extent, blacks and Hispanics) quickly becomes the main subject despite irrelevance to the article itself. Comments like these would not at all look out of place on an Israeli message board:

The billion Moslems all sharpening their scimitars for long-awaited revenge against the "Crusaders" is the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

our friends in Israel along with certain American academics tried to warn us that militant Islam was not an asset of the United States

People continue to believe in the humanity of the negro, even though one good, sobering look at him should be enough to prove otherwise

And, lest the naive are still tempted to think TOO is purely defensive, behold excerpts such at these:

low IQ Muslims will be easy to control. Don’t ever forget that a couple of hundred thousand British controlled over four hundred million Indians for over two hundred years.

since jews only make up 2% of the population but yet have the absolute most power and influence over everything from global politics to global business, why can’t whites do the same thing when we become smaller in number?

The last excerpt is the telling one: demographics means more than just numbers, it also refers to arrangement. As is mind-numbingly obvious to anyone with any strategic sense, so-called "White Nationalism" is nothing of the sort. It is just a cheap tactical retreat that - if allowed to succeed - will almost certainly lead to de-facto white re-colonization of large parts of Africa and elsewhere as global resources become increasingly scarce and white Gentile countries plan their foreign policies based on their Talmud-compatible tribalist principle: "What's good for whites is good." Perhaps even in alliance with Israel. Above you have explicit confirmation in the Gentiles' own words.


  1. Excellent post. This is very accurate on many levels. There is an issue with Europe and immigration and lack of culture today, but it is just that immigration has been used against us. We should just follow similar ideas to the 25 point program such as alien laws and enforcement of our culture and purpose on immigrants. Identity doesn't come from majority, it comes from will, but identity is not enough, we want to be greater than what we already are... we want to be Aryans.


  2. Also, I have my article on my blog now, if you didn't know. So, be sure to add it as well, if you will so.

