Friday, January 28, 2011

Tunnel Vision

Avatar, James Cameron's feel-good adventure story speaks a good deal about what today's audience likes: elaborate sights and sounds with simplistic story arcs. The BS Gentiles at TOO reviewed this film just as a continuation of their fixation on white preservation. Replace "white" with "Jew" and you'll have a typically racist, rabbi written op-ed.

"So, in a nutshell, Whites from Earth are colonizing another planet whose indigenous wonderful hominids with primitive technology but great butts and neural connections to plants and animals, are in the way of The Company which wants its precious mineral called Unobtainium. (This was the only in joke in the movie I think.) There are a couple of social workers trying to get the natives to move and save Precious Life. They are of course outmaneuvered by the capitalists who want their unobtainium and start to bulldoze the magic forest."

If all they can observe about this film is that certain white characters are greedy and unpleasant, they are missing much of the point due to their skin-pigmentation fixation. They also miss the satire on Judeo-economics... "unobtanium" is quite the way to put it. In the film, there are mixed characters on both sides. Good humans aren't all white and neither are the evil humans. Though, the commander of the mercenary unit deployed to protect The Company is white, as is the main representative of the evil corporation, How about delving into their... intentions, goals, means to achieve these goals, and the like? From this we can see that the commander and the corporate officer are slimy, arrogant bastards and deserve no sympathy from noble people.

"So, the Good pseudo-native, like in The Last Samurai, goes native and war is begun with the CapitalistImperialistWhitePigs. Spectacular battle scenes with the Good natives mounted on the backs of flying Teradactyl like birds beating the White Man’s machines. As in Tarzan movies, the animals also come to the aid of the natives, after having sensed that the White Man is a greater danger. In the battle, the chief Bad Guy is a jarhead (Marines) colonel who wants to kill all the Good Natives. Blue eyes and a very White Marine, he of course, is beaten by bows and arrows and big scary animals (a la Tarzan). As he is about to kill our pseudo-native hero, who has of course betrayed the mission of The Company, the colonel yells, “How does it feel to be a race traitor?” With that, two arrows from the love-interest native female sink into his chest."

This race-themed defensive posture is virtually identical the ever-apologetic Jew, who will always find a way to mask or excuse his deeds - from cries of "anti-Semitism" and "blood libel" to the quintessential racist attitude of "We're the Chosen People." The BS Gentiles at TOO simply substitute "White" for "Jew." In their eyes, criticizing whites is "anti-White" or maybe "anti-Occidentalism."

By the time the reader reaches this part of the article, it comes as no surprise that the piece ends with the most overt racism - a saving of the "best" for last via the BS Gentile mindset:

"Like Bladerunner’s replicants, the natives are more human than homo sapiens
— Whites that is. The few other folks who help the natives are Earthlings — Blacks and browns, who of course, side with the natives. They recognize a brother when they see one."

Oh boy. Quite the absurdity, in addition to the racism.

At no point in the film is it so bluntly said that the Na'vi (the "natives" from Avatar) are "more human" than the humans. What is said, via the story, is that they are less overcome by greed and material desire. This makes them more noble and thus they are the story's good-guys.

"The material interest of mankind can prosper only in theshade of the heroic virtues. The moment they become the primary considerations of life they wreck the basis of their own existence." - Adolf Hitler

The human mission on planet Pandora is primarily concerned with material interests, while the Na'vi are heroically defending their homeland. That is why the humans and their corporation loses. However, by the end, a few humans, the noblest stock, joins the Na'vi. They do this to pursue ideals and probably didn't consider "race." In fact, in the film, it is only the bigoted Gentiles that bring up "race" and such terms. They cannot see past the end of their nose.

Avatar fans protest against Israel

I agree that Avatar paints a pessimistic portrait of humans, however, I am not at all surprised. Just look at the day's news, mainstream source or not: violence, treachery, greed and hate comes from people of all colors. The Eurocentrics, on the other hand, only see the media point out evil white men and takes offense to this. The fact is, all peoples suffer and all peoples are to blame. The world is decayed, decadent and filled with drudgery. The popular films that come out simply reflect this. Complaining about such a film is like complaining to a mirror for showing you a scar on your face - it's not the mirror's fault! You did something that gave you a scar and complaining won't help heal it.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Occidental Animal Farm

“The birds did not understand Snowball’s long words, but they accepted his explanation, and all the humbler animals set to work to learn the new maxim by heart. FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD, was inscribed on the end of the wall of the barn, above the Seven Commandments and in bigger letters. When they had once got it by heart the sheep developed a great liking for this maxim, and often as they lay in the field they would all start bleating ‘Four legs good, two legs bad!’, and keep it up for hours on end, never growing tired of it.” - Animal Farm

This is the maxim TOO has written on its barn wall – ‘Pro-White good, No-White bad’… a maxim compatible with the Talmudic version – ‘Pro-Jew good, No-Jew bad’, both with a genesis in Old Testament and Talmudic doctrine.

In contrast the maxim on Race taught by the NSDAP to Hitler Youth in 1938 for education on Virtues was the ideological opposite: “Race means being able to think in a certain way”, add to that the fact the Germans considered themselves a mixed Race, having received the contributions of several racial souls: “We cannot hold it against anyone if he carries a variety of racial lines, for the German soul does as well, and created out of it the immeasurable riches which it possesses above all other nations. The greatness of our Reich grew out of this soul.” and furthermore, “The unity of the noble soul and the noble body is the goal to which we strive. BUT WE DESPISE THOSE WHOSE NOBLE BODY CARRIES AN IGNOBLE SOUL”

The Third Reich based Race on many traits, but colour is not one of them, rather courage, loyalty, honour, will, discipline and duty, honesty and love of beauty and order, and there is nothing ethnocentric about these traits of the human soul.

You can trace the racist pro-white movement hand in hand with the Israelitish Christian Identity movement to modern political Zionist movements beginning in 19th Century Europe, an era where Darwinian racial theory dominated the social sciences with several leading figures being Jewish racial Zionists motivated by FEAR and PARANOIA, fear that Jews would lose “their biological uniqueness as a result of pressures for intermarriage and assimilation.” White Nationalism and those advocating “White” as a replacement for “Jew” have adopted this attitude, with academic anthropology in the West a predominately Jewish intellectual movement rooted in Secular Darwinism, a social engineering tool to make a subordinate subject believe that his ”SELECTION” for success is based on his predestination for superior performance – that this alone is what is “NATURAL”. In the official ideology of Zionism, ‘Chosen by God’ is synonymous with ‘Chosen by Nature’. In this way the end can be made to justify the means and all virtues are eliminated. Non-virtuous, ignoble principles of ‘favoured races’ and ‘chosen people’ are codified in Jewish Law as outlined in the Talmud; it is these crude and primitive principles that White Nationalists are imitating.

In concluding I have only one thing to say to TOO, and that is; ‘I have no Racial Identity, I only perceive the first dawning of a new Race, an ideal Race, an Aryan Race.’

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Another Voice In the Rise of Anti-Islam Fear-Feeding

Kevin MacDonald is practically interchangeable with Marine LePen, incoming leader of the National Front, a Zionist Correct (ZC) French political party. They agree on all political dogma. Both are Zionists hiding behind a flimsy facade of so-called "White Identity" and "Right Wing Nationalism". Both are anti-Islam, secular, holocaust kosher, fiat banking kosher, skilled in sycophancy, ZC Media approved and both suffer from incurable Boromir Syndrome! No wonder MacDonald writes with glowing approval for his French counterpart, MacDonald and Marine LePen are like two little Gentile peas in the same Zionist pod.

"The good news is that LePen is getting a lot of publicity in the mainstream French media: Her "smiling face … adorns the front of the prestigious weekly L’Express … She’s seen everywhere. On France’s television screens, in its newspapers, at party conventions, on billboards." - The Occidental Observer
delendaestziobot translation:

"The real story is that LePen is getting a lot of Zionist publicity in Jewish controlled French media: Her "smiling face … is plastered all over the front of the Jewish owned glossy magazine L’Express (French version of TIME magazine) … She’s seen everywhere??? On France’s Jewish controlled television screens, in Jewish controlled newspapers, at Jewish sponsored conventions, and even on advertising billboards, would you believe!"

Not so unique when translated, very common in fact, just another ZC Gentile being pushed and prodded by big Jewry into approved placement on the long-established political platform.

"For the first time in the history of the National Front, the political establishment is not uniting against us, but is running after us." - LePen
No, not the first time French Nationalists have been pursued by the Zionist political establishment to be used as useful idiots! Of course Zionists want to unite with National Front, they are Zionists too!

"After all, the National Front has always been Zionistic and always defended Israel’s right to exist." - LePen
This is what MacDonald calls ‘criticism of Israel’:

"Indeed, she is not shy about criticizing Israel. She rejects the recent rabbinical ruling calling on Jews not to rent to Arabs" - Kevin MacDonald
So LePen is for Jews in Israel annexing Palestinians, stealing their property, and then renting it back to them? MacDonald also makes a point that LePen has been banned from visiting Israel based on her father’s "anti-Semitism" as head of the National Front. Well I figure that, like all European "Right Wing" anti-Islam Nationalists, LePen wants nothing more than to board a plane, fly straight to Israel, don a skullcap, and pose for photos in front of the Wailing Wall! Now that would be good publicity for her, that could be enough to make LePen the next French President! But for the moment LePen and the National Front serve them well as can be seen by their Jewish supporters, including those Jews who back Sarkozy as well as the Jewish Defence League and Mieir Kahane - all are interested in LePen as an agitator of anti-Islamic/pro-Jewish behaviour in France.

LePen claims the Jews are Frenchmen and French Jews should not emigrate to Israel, and along with Kevin MacDonald she believes that Jews along with "whites" are victims of Muslim attitudes:

"There are entire regions where it’s better not to be a Jew, a woman, a homosexual or even an ordinary white Frenchman." - LePen
LePen blaming Muslims for all of France’s woes! LePen even blames the Germans for France’s economic woes! No wonder the Jews and MacDonald approve of her sycophancy:

"The rise of the National Front and other European nationalist parties is a huge breakthrough for the movement to reestablish a sense of European culture and eventually European peoplehood. Its’ obvious that Muslims will never become the good liberal republican Europeans." - Kevin MacDonald
But according to LePen and MacDonald Jews do and will always be. Of course MacDonald goes even further in his article to accuse just about all the peoples of the earth of being responsible for Western European and American woes, everybody that is except for Jews, who are the only people playing the tune that the likes of LePen and MacDonald dance to…Just like MacDonald, LePen is a Gentile face from behind which the Jews can incite and agitate hostilities between peoples with anti-Islam rhetoric further dividing the false paradigm of "Arab-Islam" vs "White-Christian," while the Jew remains invisible and fostering both sides! What? You don’t think that the Jew is not using the same technique in Arab nations, agitating and inciting Islam against the "White Western Devils"? It’s the same old trick played out over and over again, century after century, and still the nationalistic Gentiles play out the same tired old game, heedless to their own sense, and the truth that they should know.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Boromirs Among Us

Connelly makes some observations about Zionist crime that is intrinsically tied to the supremacist and hate perpetuating ideology of Judaism, but his article is only a brushing on the dirty surface and not an exposing of the rotten core.

Connelly begins by pointing out that the United States should in no way consider Israel an allied nation and names the Lavon Affair as the reason. (We assume that most inquisitive readers see the Lavon Affair as but the start of an era of hidden Israeli aggression against the United States. Connelly then suggests that there is actually a far more constant and subtle war going on, one of "laying the mental threads." Citing several examples of documentary works that have investigated the portrayal of Arabs (and all Muslims, really) in film, as well as referring to the 1998 movie The Siege, Connelly makes his point that Hollywood is actually a Jewish fiefdom working to manipulate all Americans into hating Arabs and Muslims.

Is Connelly genuinely concerned about the racism directed at these people? If you thought so, read the following contradiction:

"The issue is not really whether these images have a substantial element of truth. Muslims are indeed the most likely people on the planet these days to be terrorists."

And so, Connelly has not only spotted propaganda, but has also added his fair share!

First off, Connelly is going by the ZC prescribed definition of terrorist, which essentially means "angry looking Muslim." If a "terrorist" is someone who threatens people with displays of large-scale violence in order to make them fear for their safety, this definition fits a whole lot better with the Israeli Defense Forces than with those whom they have starved, occupied and slandered since 1948. However, those oppressive criminals have a well oiled PR machine and media backing them up and shifting blame, thus Connelly should have said: "Muslims are indeed the most likely people on the planet to be shown as terrorists."

Now for the howler: TOO promotes Fitna by Geert Wilders (Jew)

Connelly seems to acknowledge this when he shows the 2008 film Taken (Jewish screenwriter) and the popular television show 24 (Jewish producer) to be nothing more than Jewish manipulations to get Westerners to hate Muslims. So, Connelly is back to pointing out Jewish crimes, including the sly inversion presented in Taken: the slave trade is actually more a Jewish crime than a Muslim one. (He uses a story from the Jerusalem Post to point out a key aspect of Jewish racist double-standard: in Israel, slavery is legal if it involves non-Jews. The main victims are young Slavic women who are conned into going to Israel with bogus job prospects.)

But Connelly then ends by saying that the film Taken:

"provides a useful function by again alerting Americans, French, and other Westerners to the risk posed by the presence of alien elements amongst us."

Again he is back to promoting the propaganda that the Jew never ceases to sell!

In the end, Connelly's article is an uncoordinated blast-off: he recognizes the enemy of the world, but not our potential allies. He also doesn't attack Jewish thinking: he presents empirical observations about how Jews manipulate the world, but doesn't attack Jewry on ideological grounds. He is, in effect, using Jewry's methods against Jewry, thus will never really change anything. Things are doomed to forever be done the immoral and nefarious Jewish way unless those methods are destroyed. Connelly is a fine example of the Boromir Syndrome - "Let's use the enemy's weapon against him!" That's like saying you don't agree with Jewish usury and then round up all your friends to out-compete the moneychangers. Even if you win, the Beast lives on in you.

Connelly also writes:

"While terrorism is one clear risk, it is not the only one, as Taken shows."

Even Boromir realized that Sauron must be destroyed, but he didn't see the correct way to do it. "Terrorism" is a problem, yes, but is Connelly willing to say that the bulk of it is a mirage created by Jewish media and Israeli false flags? He mentions skepticism for the official 9/11 story and the Lavon Affair, yet at the same time promotes the official hogwash stories and "explanations" - Connelly sees Taken as propaganda, but buys its message. From this, we should consider that he is being led by the Jew and doesn't even know it.

Aragorn (thinking): "Put the sword down, you useful idiot."


Monday, January 10, 2011

The Gentiles Will Inherit the Talmudic World

While some of us (for the sake of humour) portray MacDonald as a bumbling idiot, I personally consider him far from stupid, and in fact very cunning and adept at what he does: presenting racism as the proper stance of intellectual elites, thereby encouraging racism among those who fancy themselves as intellectual elites. That is all he is good at, but he is good at it.

Most of the article is just data from Israeli sources, whose reliability is never questioned(!). MacDonald's own point does not appear until the last paragraphs:

So we can end up with a situation where the Haredi Jews are the majority of American, British and Israeli Jews by 2050, the Day of Judgment for Whites! ... one wonders how long the image of Jews as liberal, humane, champions of the downtrodden can continue when such large percentages of Jews are Haredim

Firstly, there is no "Day of Judgment for Whites". Those who make such a claim are feeding fear into society in order to divide it. Whites presently are the largest minority (at roughly 48%) in Brazil; would that mean their "Day of Judgment for Whites" has already occurred? If so, it was far from the horrific catastrophe that TOO pumps into its readers' heads. I doubt most Brazilians even noticed it happening. 2050 may be when whites become the largest minority in America, but there will only be catastrophe if enough frightened fools fall for MacDonald's bluff and start splitting into hostile tribes. All it takes to prevent this is our willingness to conquer the fear and call the bluff.

"Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." - Paul Atreides

Secondly, there is no image of Jews as "champions of the downtrodden", except insofar as Jews present themselves as downtrodden - undeserving victims of "anti-Semitism" (ie. disgust towards Jewish racism), "blood libel" (ie. mention of Jewish crimes) and of course the "Holocaust" (ie. fiction) - and then champion their own racism against non-Jews. Much like how TOO presents white Gentiles as undeserving victims of "anti-Whiteness" (ie. disgust towards white racism), "White guilt-tripping" (ie. mention of white crimes) and of course "White Genocide" (ie. fiction), and then champion their own racism against non-whites. This is why there is already no support for Jews from the left, which has been supporting Palestine, Lebanon and the wider Muslim community on almost every issue for decades. All current support for Jews is coming from the Islamophobic, pro-Western right. This has nothing to do with what percentage of Jews are Haredim, and everything to do with the fact that Jews and white Gentiles are discovering how much they have in common.

Ample evidence of this is found in the comments, in which bashing Muslims (and, to a lesser extent, blacks and Hispanics) quickly becomes the main subject despite irrelevance to the article itself. Comments like these would not at all look out of place on an Israeli message board:

The billion Moslems all sharpening their scimitars for long-awaited revenge against the "Crusaders" is the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

our friends in Israel along with certain American academics tried to warn us that militant Islam was not an asset of the United States

People continue to believe in the humanity of the negro, even though one good, sobering look at him should be enough to prove otherwise

And, lest the naive are still tempted to think TOO is purely defensive, behold excerpts such at these:

low IQ Muslims will be easy to control. Don’t ever forget that a couple of hundred thousand British controlled over four hundred million Indians for over two hundred years.

since jews only make up 2% of the population but yet have the absolute most power and influence over everything from global politics to global business, why can’t whites do the same thing when we become smaller in number?

The last excerpt is the telling one: demographics means more than just numbers, it also refers to arrangement. As is mind-numbingly obvious to anyone with any strategic sense, so-called "White Nationalism" is nothing of the sort. It is just a cheap tactical retreat that - if allowed to succeed - will almost certainly lead to de-facto white re-colonization of large parts of Africa and elsewhere as global resources become increasingly scarce and white Gentile countries plan their foreign policies based on their Talmud-compatible tribalist principle: "What's good for whites is good." Perhaps even in alliance with Israel. Above you have explicit confirmation in the Gentiles' own words.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Occidental Observer – Which Way Western Jew?

ADL: "Anti-Zionist is just code for anti-Semite."
TOO: "Anti-racist is just code for anti-White."

Spot the difference. (Hint: there is none.)

This is the fundamental question that TOO is concerned with – Which Way Western Jew? I guess when Kevin MacDonald states ‘White Identity’ he indirectly means ‘Western Jews,’ as the entire orientation of TOO is concerned with the trials and tribulations of Jews and to a lesser extent their Gentile supporters, from a modern Western secular perspective. Not surprisingly there is a market for the armchair critics from fiat-funded American Academia, so Kevin need not feel alone in his observing and reporting, there are many other fellows just like him, ready to contribute with more offers of criticism and reformation proposals for Zionist interests.

Kevin is a Zionist, he has stated so; his main criticism of Zionism is that it is not Zionist enough! Taken from his academic perspective as a Darwinian evolutionist, Zionism is the perfectly natural state of all being – everyone should be a Zionist and may the best Zionist win – survival of the most Zionist! I will delve into the debacle and farce of Darwinian evolution another time, it almost looks antiquated in the 21st Century, a relic of a bygone era. Kevin is a relic from a bygone era as well, perhaps that is why he felt the need to recruit some younger talent, like Dr Lasha Darkmoon, LOL! You know you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel when you have to get contributions from a Jewish lesbian who writes bad poetry for an occupation. What observations, as if we need any more observing, benign observations from both left and right of journalistic Zion, the sum total of Jewish media enterprise – report on the consequences of world Zionist control, good or bad, left or right, report from behind your Zionist controlled desk, funded by your Federal Reserve paper debt vouchers printed in Zion, on your observations of the consequences of Zionism!!! Which Way Western Jew?

As TOO grapples with the inevitability of its intellectual bankruptcy, Kevin and Lasha and fellows will seek help, because TOO at the end of the day is not so relevant to Zionists like George Soros, or even conservative useful idiots from the ranks of conservative America, especially academia, let alone Gilad Atzmon or Henry Makow. So he will ask for more central bankers' paper usury debt vouchers to be donated! As if that will help, it's like trying to cure an alcoholic with a case of fine whisky! And then Kevin sends his hopeful Judaic reform essays to Jeff Rense, as if that will help his falling reputation! You can find Kevin’s articles at along with; ‘Case of the rabid dog at the animal shelter’, ‘Huge mothership over Lima, Peru’, and ‘Starbucks unveils new nameless logo’, just make sure you buy some magic bean survival seeds and another water filter while you are there… Which Way Western Jew?